“Innovit for Life Sciences > Road to #JPM24” is ready to go

27 June 2023 - A series of appointments to bring the American investors’ attention on the excellences of the Life Science Industry in Italy

“Innovit for Life Science > Road to #JPM24” kicks off today, June 27. The program will take place from June to January 2024 with a sequence of events both online and on site, in New York and San Francisco. The goal of the initiative is to support the Life Sciences ‘Made in Italy’ compartment and to strenghten the network among the international stakeholders.

Innovit, the Italian Innovation and Culture Hub, represents the core of the project and it is located in San Francisco. Innovit promotes the main successful stories that caracterise the Italian companies and entrepreneurs as well as the laboratories and the Universities to connect them with the foreign capital.

The initiative is promoted by ITA - Italian Trade Agency, by the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco, by Innovit - the Italian Cultural and Innovation Center in San Francisco; Assobiotec-Federchimica and Farmindustria, in partnership with the American Chamber of Commerce, Cluster Alisei, InnovUp, ISSNAF Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation, Nasdaq, NIAF National Italian American Foundation, Nucleate.

A Fireside chat open the project today. Pierluigi Paracchi, Board Member of Assobiotec and CEO of Genenta Science (Nasdaq:GNTA) will have a talk together with Jenna Foger, Senior Vice President, Science & Technology of Alexandria Venture Investments/Alexandria Real Estate Equities and Prof. Giuseppe Novelli, geneticist and Director of the U.O.C. Laboratory of Medical Genetics of Tor Vergata University. 

"Innovit for Life Science > Road to #JPM24" is also an approaching path to "Italy on the move", initiative which aims at attracting foreign investments in the field of the Life Science in Italy. “Italy on the move”, organized by ITA - Italian Trade Agency with the participation of the main Italian Life Science stakeholders, will take place during the JP Morgan Healthcare Week in January 2024. The event will enlighten the current initiatives that the Italian Government is leading in the framework of a National Plan to strenghten the Italian Life Science ecosystem.


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