Paving the Way for a better Future Investing, nurturing, and growing Biotech and Sustainable companies.

Biotech and Sustainable companies are undoubtedly the pillars of a new and better economy, with positive outcomes on people lives. The recent and continuing advances in the life sciences and technology are making a reality of the prediction that this will be the century of biotechnology and sustainability . How Italy is capturing the economic, environmental, health and social benefits of these sectors? T

he MBA Club – GSoM POLIMI is proud to present outstanding mangers, entrepreneurs, and investors to dive deep into this fascinating topic and understand key dynamics, drivers, and opportunities.

Join us on June 22, from 19.30 -21 live at POLIMI – Graduate School of Management.


Omar Bertoni, Co-Founder at Lifegate Way
Stefania Cislaghi, Manager EY
Nicola Lambert, Partner at Oltre Impact
Giovanni Muscarà, Founder & CEO at Centro Medico Vivavoce
Pierluigi Paracchi, Co-founder and CEO Genenta Science

The event will be also broadcasted online – link will be shared 24 hrs before.

For live participants we kindly ask you to arrive 15 minutes in advance to take a seat.



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